How to Create a Chatbot for Your Website for Free [No Coding Required]

Discover how to easily create a chatbot for your website without coding. Follow our step-by-step guide to design, implement, and optimize your chatbot with Conferbot's free, no-code visual editor. Transform customer engagement on your site now

How to Create a Chatbot for Your Website for Free [No Coding Required]
December 21, 2023

It looks like you want to create your own chatbot for your website. That's an excellent idea in today's digital age where providing engaging user experiences is crucial. Chatbots can revolutionize how you interact with your website visitors, offering instant support, lead capture, and so much more.

Today, anyone can build sophisticated chatbots with visual, no-code bot editors like Conferbot. You don t need any coding skills or technical expertise. And yet, the process of creating a chatbot from scratch can seem daunting for many. Where do you start? What tools do you need? How do you make it truly engaging?

Fear not! We're here to guide you through creating your very own free chatbot using Conferbot's powerful yet beginner-friendly platform. In this comprehensive article, we'll walk you through the entire no-code chatbot creation process step-by-step:

  1. Step 1: Identify the Purpose of Your Chatbot
  2. Step 2: Decide Where You Want Your Chatbot to Appear
  3. Step 3: Choose the Chatbot Platform (Conferbot)
  4. Step 4: Design the Chatbot Conversation in Conferbot's Visual Editor
  5. Step 5: Test Your Chatbot
  6. Step 6: Refine Your Chatbot Based on User Interactions
  7. Step 7: Collect Feedback from Users
  8. Step 8: Monitor Chatbot Analytics to Continuously Improve It

Let's dive in!

Step 1: Identify the Purpose of Your Chatbot

Before you start building, it's crucial to understand why you need a chatbot in the first place. What goals do you want it to achieve for your business? Some common use cases include:

  • Customer Support & FAQs: Provide instant answers to common questions and troubleshoot issues.
  • Lead Generation: Capture leads by engaging visitors and gathering information.
  • Sales & Conversion: Guide users through your product/service offerings and drive sales.
  • User Onboarding: Assist new users/customers in getting started with your product.
  • Surveys & Feedback: Gather insights from customers through interactive conversations.

Your chatbot's purpose will determine its personality, conversation flows, and the type of information/actions it needs to provide. Clearly defining this upfront will make the building process much smoother.

Step 2: Decide Where You Want Your Chatbot to Appear

Next, think about where you want your chatbot to live and interact with users. The main options are:

  • Your website: Have it appear on specific pages or sitewide as a widget.
  • Mobile apps: Integrate it into your Android or iOS apps.
  • Messaging platforms: Deploy it on Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, etc.
  • Other channels: Voice assistants, smart displays, and more.

For website chatbots (the most common use case), you'll simply need to embed a bit of code from Conferbot account onto your site. But we're getting ahead of ourselves!

Step 3: Choose the Chatbot Platform

With your purpose and channels defined, it's time to select the right no-code chatbot builder. There are many options out there, but for this guide, we highly recommend Conferbot.

Conferbot is a powerful, feature-packed yet beginner-friendly platform that allows you to create engaging chatbots for free without any coding. Its key advantages include:

  • Completely visual, drag-and-drop bot editor
  • Extensive library of pre-built templates for different use cases
  • Natural language processing for understanding user inputs
  • Advanced features like rich media support, integrations, scripting
  • Free forever plan with unlimited chatbots
  • Detailed analytics to track chatbot performance

Best of all, you can get started with Conferbot in just a few minutes. Let's look at how to design your first chatbot using their visual editor.

Step 4: Design the Chatbot Conversation in Conferbot's Visual Editor

First, go to the Conferbot website and sign up for a free account. Once inside the editor, you can either start from scratch or leverage one of our pre-built templates for common use cases like:

  • Lead capture.
  • Appointment booking.
  • Customer support/FAQs.
  • Product recommendations.
  • User onboarding/training.
  • Surveys & feedback.

For this example, let's construct a straightforward FAQ chatbot using Conferbot's intuitive builder. Upon accessing the builder, you'll notice an array of nodes on the left side, ready to be dragged and dropped to create your chatbot flow.

Conferbot Side Panel

Every chatbot begins with a "welcome-node" (Welcome Node), which is your bot's first interaction with the user. Here, you can craft a friendly greeting, such as "Welcome to my shop!"

Welcome Node

Next, introduce a "text-choices-node" (Text Choices Node) to present users with multiple options. For an FAQ bot, you might add three choices: "Return Policy", "Location & Timings", and "Shipping".

Text Choices Connection

Connect each option from the Text Choices Node to a corresponding "message-node" (Message Node) with a tailored response. For instance, after a user selects "Return Policy", link it to a Message Node explaining your return procedures.


Decide whether to loop back to the Text Choices Node to offer the options again or conclude the conversation. If concluding, connect the last message to a closing greeting, ensuring a smooth end to the interaction.

Beyond text, enrich your chatbot with "image-node" (Image Node), "video-node" (Video Node), or even "audio-node" (Audio Node) for multimedia responses. Utilize "condition-node" (Condition Node) for branching logic based on user inputs or "human-handover-node" (Human Handover Node) for seamless transfer to live agents when needed.

Extend your chatbot's capabilities with integration nodes like "webhook-node" (Webhook Node) or "google-sheets-node" (Google Sheets Node) for external data processing and actions. The "email-node" (Email Node) allows for sending emails directly from your chatbot, enhancing functionality.

Complete the flow

Conferbot's no-code platform offers the flexibility to create highly interactive and personalized chatbots with ease. By strategically selecting and connecting nodes, you can design an FAQ chatbot that not only answers common queries but also engages users in a dynamic conversation, elevating their experience with your brand.

Step 5: Test Your Chatbot

Once you've outlined your chatbot's initial conversation paths using Conferbot, the crucial next step is to conduct thorough testing. This crucial phase ensures that your chatbot functions flawlessly before it interacts with your audience. Testing enables you to pinpoint and rectify any logical inaccuracies or gaps.

Conferbot simplifies this process with a "Preview" feature, conveniently located at the top right next to the save button within the editor. Clicking this button launches a draggable chat interface overlaying the flow builder, allowing you to interact with your chatbot in real-time. This environment is ideal for meticulously testing each conversational flow, ensuring responses align with intended outcomes.

Preview Flow

During your testing phase:

  • Interact with Your Chatbot: Engage with your chatbot through the preview interface as if you were a user. Input various messages that users might typically send and observe how your chatbot responds.
  • Identify and Log Issues: Keep an eye out for any errors, confusing responses, or areas where the conversation doesn't flow as intended. It's helpful to note these issues as you encounter them.
  • Refine and Retest: Return to the flow builder to adjust any elements based on the issues you've identified. This might involve tweaking the wording of messages, adding missing conversation paths, or adjusting the logic behind certain responses.
  • Iterative Testing: Repeat the testing process by using the preview feature again, running through various conversation scenarios to ensure all previously identified issues have been effectively addressed.

This iterative process of testing, identifying issues, and refining your chatbot ensures that by the time it goes live, it provides a smooth, helpful, and engaging experience for your users. Continuously improving your chatbot based on real-time testing in the preview environment helps in delivering a more robust and user-friendly chatbot experience.

Step 6: Refine Your Chatbot Based on User Interactions

Once your chatbot is live and engaging with real users, the next critical step is to refine and optimize its performance based on those interactions. Although Conferbot might not directly support automated conversation training through unhandled utterances, there's still a potent method to enhance your chatbot's capabilities: active monitoring and manual updates.

Here's how you can effectively refine your chatbot:

  • Monitor User Conversations: Regularly review chat logs and interactions between your chatbot and its users. Look for patterns in questions or requests where the chatbot's responses were not as helpful or accurate as they could be.
  • Identify Improvement Areas: Highlight specific instances where the chatbot misunderstood user intent or failed to provide a satisfactory answer. These are your key areas for refinement.
  • Update Conversation Flows: Based on your findings, go back into Conferbot's visual editor to adjust the conversation flows. This might involve adding new responses, refining existing ones, or creating new paths for unaddressed inquiries.
  • Incorporate FAQs: Use common questions gathered from user interactions as a basis for FAQ sections within your chatbot. Ensuring your chatbot can effectively answer these questions can significantly improve user satisfaction.
  • Iterative Optimization: This process of monitoring, identifying, and updating should be ongoing. The digital landscape and user expectations are always evolving, and so too should your chatbot.

By actively engaging in this cycle of review and refinement, you ensure that your chatbot becomes more effective over time, providing users with increasingly relevant and helpful interactions. This hands-on approach to training and optimizing your chatbot will contribute to a more intelligent, responsive, and user-friendly conversational agent.

Step 7: Collect Feedback from Users

In addition to conversation training, it's wise to proactively collect direct feedback from the people interacting with your chatbot. This offers invaluable insights into their experience that you can't glean from logs alone.

Within Conferbot, you can configure conversational surveys to be randomly triggered at the end of chat sessions, prompting users to rate their experience and provide open-ended feedback.

You can ask questions like:

  • How satisfied were you with this conversation? (1-5 rating)
  • How can we improve our chatbot?
  • Did you find what you were looking for? (Yes/No)
  • Any other comments or suggestions?

This qualitative feedback enables you to identify common pain points, user frustrations, and potential areas of improvement for your chatbot's design, language, functionality, and more.

Step 8: Monitor Chatbot Analytics to Continuously Improve

The final ongoing step is analyzing key performance metrics about how your chatbot is being utilized. These quantitative analytics help optimize experiences alongside the qualitative user feedback.

flow analytics

Conferbot provides a wealth of insightful analytics and reports for understanding your chatbot's effectiveness, including:

  • Total conversations and messages
  • Peak conversation hours/days
  • Popular conversation paths and intents
  • User retention and drop-off rates
  • Unhandled utterance rates
  • Geographical data
  • Platform/device usage stats

By studying these metrics, you can gain valuable insights such as:

  • Which conversation flows need refinement due to high drop-off rates
  • What new intents to train based on popular unhandled utterances
  • When you need more staffing support for chat handover during peak hours
  • How well your chatbot is addressing common user needs and queries
  • If there are any experience issues on specific platforms/devices

You can even integrate Conferbot's analytics with your existing tools like Google Analytics, CRMs, enterprise dashboards and more for centralized reporting.

Armed with this qualitative and quantitative data, you'll be able to continuously optimize your chatbot's language models, conversational flows, feature sets, and overall user experience over time. It's a cyclical process of sustained improvement for long-term engagement and ROI.

Dos and Don'ts of Building a Chatbot

Now you know what the complete workflow of building a fully-functional chatbot looks like using a powerful no-code platform like Conferbot. But before you jump into the bot builder, take a look at these handy tips on what to do and what to avoid:


  1. Define clear goals and use cases upfront
  2. Map out your ideal conversation flows and scenarios
  3. Leverage templates and pre-built industry solutions when relevant
  4. Focus on creating a friendly, human-like personality
  5. Incorporate rich multimedia like images, videos, carousels, etc.
  6. Test rigorously with real user data before launching
  7. Integrate seamlessly with your existing tools and data sources
  8. Promote your chatbot prominently on appropriate channels
  9. Continuously train, optimize, and expand capabilities over time


  1. Build without a clear strategy or purpose in mind
  2. Overcomplicate with too many paths and options from the start
  3. Use confusing technical jargon or overly formal language
  4. Launch without sufficient testing and training data
  5. Ignore or be slow in addressing feedback and reported issues
  6. Overlook analytics that can reveal valuable optimization insights
  7. Set and forget - chatbots require active iterative development
  8. Abuse by over-promoting in contexts where they're disruptive

By following these best practices, you'll be able to create highly engaging, intelligent chatbots that provide value to your business while delivering outstanding user experiences.

Key Takeaways

As you can see, creating a chatbot for your website no longer requires any coding expertise whatsoever. Thanks to powerful no-code platforms like Conferbot, anyone can design and deploy conversational AI assistants using simple visual tools.

The key is following a strategic, user-centric approach by:

  1. Defining clear use cases and conversation goals
  2. Leveraging templates/training to build initial capabilities quickly
  3. Iterating and expanding through user feedback, data, and testing

When done thoughtfully, chatbots have immense potential to supercharge your business across various functions like customer service, marketing, sales, and support while providing delightful user experiences.

So what are you waiting for? Sign up for a free Conferbot account today and join the no-code chatbot revolution! With a bit of upfront planning and Conferbot's intuitive tools, you'll have your own AI assistant deployed in no time.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What types of chatbots can I create with Conferbot?

A: Conferbot enables you to build chatbots for a wide variety of use cases including:

  • Customer support and FAQs.
  • Lead generation and qualification.
  • Appointment booking and scheduling.
  • E-commerce assistance and recommedations.
  • Surveys, quizzes, and feedback collection.
  • User onboarding and training.
  • General information and directory assistance.

Q: Can I integrate my Conferbot chatbot with other apps and tools?

A: Absolutely! Conferbot supports integrations with popular apps and services such as:

  • CRMs like Salesforce, HubSpot, Zoho.
  • Email marketing tools like MailChimp, Constant Contact.
  • Team communication apps like Slack, Microsoft Teams.
  • Calendars and scheduling tools.
  • E-commerce platforms like Shopify.
  • Social media channels.
  • And many more via Zapier integrations.

This enables your chatbot to seamlessly transfer data, automate workflows, and provide enhanced capabilities.

Q: What platforms and channels does Conferbot support?

A: With Conferbot, you can currently embed chatbot on all web platforms or frameworks. Here is a list of the platforms and frameworks that we support

  • Platforms: WordPress, Shopify, Wix, Webflow, Squarespace and many others.
  • Libraries: HTML, React, Angular, Vue, Bootstrap etc.

Q: Is Conferbot limited to only English language chatbots?

A: Conferbot currently supports chatbot creation in 7+ languages, including English, Spanish, Portuguese, German, and Japanese, and we are constantly working to add more to our platform. If you're referring to the conversation flow itself, it's not limited by language. You can input conversation text in any language directly into the flow, allowing for a wide range of multilingual interactions to suit your diverse audience's needs.

Q: How much does it cost to build a chatbot with Conferbot?

A: Conferbot offers a free forever plan allowing you to create unlimited chatbots without needing a credit card. This plan includes a robust set of features for chatbot creation and deployment. For access to premium features, including advanced integrations, a paid plan is required to unlock these additional capabilities.

Q: What kind of support does Conferbot provide?

A: Conferbot offers multiple self-service resources including:

  • Comprehensive knowledge base and documentation.
  • Step-by-step bot creation video tutorials and guides.
  • Active community forums to get your questions answered.
  • Library of pre-built templates for common use cases.

For paid premium plan customers, we also provide dedicated email support channels.

Q: How quickly can I get a chatbot up and running with Conferbot?

A: With Conferbot, creating a chatbot is incredibly fast and user-friendly. You can have a fully functional bot ready and deployed on your website in as little as 10 minutes to a few hours, depending on the complexity and depth of the conversation flows you design.

Our intuitive visual editor, out-of-the-box AI capabilities, and vast knowledge resources make it incredibly fast to create chatbots compared to traditional custom coding approaches.

Those were some of the most frequently asked questions about building chatbots using the Conferbot. If you have any other queries, our friendly support team is just a message away!

Start creating your free Conferbot chatbot today and unlock the power of conversational AI for your business!


The Conferbot Team

About Author

Hi there! I'm Conferbot, a simple and powerful tool that enables you to create chatbots for your website in minutes.

Try me out and see how I can help make your work life easier, just like I have for 10k+ satisfied users worldwide.

Revolutionize Your Website Interactions

Conferbot transforms your website engagement, offering an intuitive platform to create, streamline, and enhance chatbots tailored to your unique business needs.