Conferbot Widget Installation


Conferbot's code snippet allows you to seamlessly integrate a chatbot widget into your product or website. You can choose any one or more of the three types of widgets that we have, live-chat, popup, or full-page. The widget can be customized to your liking and you can get them up and running in just a few minutes.

How to add Conferbot to your site?

Follow the simple steps below to setup a widget of your choice on your website or product and voila! Your chatbot will be ready to start conversing with your customers.

1. Go to yourConferbot account . If you don’t have one create a free account now.


2. Build a chatbot from scratch or copy from 100+ free bot templates.


3. Open the builder and modify the flow to suit your business needs and click on the Save button on the toolbar.


4. Click on the Next button on the top right corner of the toolbar to head to the customize screen.


5. Customize your chatbots appearance and other settings and click on the Next button at the bottom.


6. Now, select your sites' platform/framework and then choose the widget type you want to add.


7. A code will be generated and would look something like this 👇

"<!--Start of Conferbot Script-->
<script type="text/javascript">
    (function (d, s, id) {
      var js,
        el = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];
      if (d.getElementById(id)) {
      js = d.createElement(s);
      js.async = true;
      js.src = ''; = id;
      js.charset = 'UTF-8';
      el.parentNode.insertBefore(js, el);
      // Initializes the widget when the script is ready
      js.onload = function () {
          var w = window.ConferbotWidget("6304946c11a3e557d09dd2d5");
    })(document, 'script', 'conferbot-js');
<!--End of Conferbot Script-->

8. Open your index.html file in public folder of your React app. Paste the code snippet in the body tag of your file.


Transform Your Digital Conversations

Elevate customer engagement, boost conversions, and streamline support with Conferbot's intelligent chatbots. Create personalized experiences that resonate with your audience.