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Version v1.6.5

Release Date: 5/4/2024


  • Chat Interaction Improvements: Emojis are now available in all chat modes, bringing a more expressive and engaging way to communicate. Whether you're using full page, popup, or any other chat mode, you can easily access and use a variety of emojis.
  • Dynamic Answer Variables: Enhance your chat flows by referencing answer variables anywhere in your messages using the {VARIABLE_NAME} format. This allows for a more personalized and context-aware interaction throughout the chat experience.
  • Input Enhancements: The chat input field behavior has been refined to ensure a smoother experience. Adjustments to input alignments and the automatic resetting of input height after sending a message help maintain a tidy and user-friendly chat interface.
  • Responsive Design: We've enhanced the responsiveness of our chat interfaces. Full page chats are now fully responsive across all devices, ensuring a consistent and accessible experience no matter the device. Popup chats have also been updated to be responsive, providing flexibility and a seamless integration on various screen sizes.
  • Emoji Picker: The emoji picker has been styled and integrated seamlessly into the chat environment, making it easier and more intuitive for users to express emotions through emojis.

These updates aim to enhance the interactivity and usability of the chat features, ensuring users have a pleasant and efficient communication experience across all devices and chat modes.

Version v1.6.4

Release Date: 4/10/2024

New Feature: Navigate Node

  • Description: Added a new "Navigate Node" to help your visitors navigate your website or app directly from within the chatbot. This feature allows for dynamic interaction by guiding users to different parts of your service seamlessly.
  • Additional Info: Find the "Navigate Node" under the "Special Nodes" in the chatbot builder sidebar.
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Revolutionize Your Website Interactions

Conferbot transforms your website engagement, offering an intuitive platform to create, streamline, and enhance chatbots tailored to your unique business needs.